Saturday 2 February 2013

For Jack

Jack this is something I have been meaning to set up for a long time now, but as I'm usually either really lazy or really busy, or really forgetful.

My main reason for setting up this blog is to note down things that happen and things I want to say to you while you are growing up. Right now, you are 6 1/2 years old and (hopefully) asleep by now in bed at my house. You are a very smart child by most standards, although I am biased :)

Despite how smart & perceptive you are, there are always things that at your age you cannot understand or conceptualise, so this, I hope maybe you will find in years to come, and can better understand my reasonings for doing things or just take in things I would like to say/have said to you. It's also a way for me to output too, and this will be publicly available so who knows, maybe it could  help someone else too?

I will do my best to try and post on a regular basis, but as mentioned before, I'm very lazy/busy/forgetful (usually the latter) but when i do post, it is my full intention just to write whatever comes to mind with as little editing as possible.

You are such a bright little boy and I am so proud of your ability to grasp things, and understand what is going on around you. With a few exceptions, I have not, and will try my best not to ever lie to you. This ranges from the obvious things and reasons why parents may lie to their kids, but I'm more intent on not lying to you with the questions you ask, like about religion, relationships, what happens when you die, etc... All of which so far you have asked me, and I've told you the truth, and where I cannot explain, like religion, I try to be as open about what I believe, and what other people may believe to let you make up your own mind.

I will not push you into anything. I am always here for you to give you my advice and opinions (even if you don't like them) but even now, I know you are going to turn out like me. You have your own opinions on things and you will make your own decisions in life. My favourite thing about this life is that we a free to make our own choices and think for ourselves. In the future, as long as you do what makes you happy, don't hurt anyone else along the way, and hopefully make the world that bit better, I will always be there behind you and will be proud of you.

Love you always


Ps in case you were wondering what I have lied to you about so far -- Father Christmas & the tooth fairy.